Introducing the Star Student Report
Most students want to know how they did after they’ve completed a test. This gives them an opportunity to show what they know and understand what they need to learn. Understanding how they performed on a Star assessment is no different. Because educators use Star results to inform instructional decisions that impact each student, it’s important that students are involved in this process.
That’s why we created the Star Student Report, which is a great way to share results with each student and their family. It provides overall student performance that is not overwhelming.
The Star Student Report is available for Star Early Literacy in English and Spanish, Star Reading in English and Spanish, and Star Math in English and Spanish and is included on the Star Assessments Reports page:

Teachers have the option to include various scores on the student’s report: Domain Scores, Reading Range, or Student Growth Percentile (SGP)*.

Depending on which score teachers want to include, students will be able to view their reading or math scores, how their results compare to benchmarks, the progress they’re making throughout the year, and the amount of growth they’ve achieved.

More importantly, sharing test results with students provides an opportunity to discuss student performance and set appropriate goals. When students are included in their learning process, they’re more engaged and motivated to continue to learn and grow.
* For more information about these and other scores, view the score definitions documents for Star Early Literacy, Star Reading, and Star Math.