Lalilo books for early readers are now available in myON
We are excited to announce the addition of Lalilo books to the myON Core Collection! Customers can now take advantage of these additional titles when looking for independent reading material for developing readers.
To access the new Lalilo books in myON, teachers and students can search for “Lalilo” to see the full list of Lalilo titles and begin reading. The majority of the Lalilo books are nonfiction, with a variety of topics including animals, birds, plants, outer space, science, and more. Students can even use myON’s recorded read-aloud feature for these books to practice oral reading fluency.
Learn more about Lalilo for foundational literacy growth
As part of Renaissance’s Foundational Literacy solution, Lalilo is a standards-aligned, developmental program that helps teachers to build essential foundational literacy skills for their students, especially in K–2+. It provides students with engaging exercises, activities, and lessons and marks each student’s progress by providing access to both more challenging content and engaging, enjoyable stories and activities. Lalilo also provides tools for integrating with other instructional resources, giving teachers data they need to monitor students’ progress and develop plans for ongoing assessment and instruction.
If you’re not using Lalilo yet, see the latest research on the program’s effectiveness and its alignment to the Science of Reading. Lalilo now offers a 60-day free trial, allowing you to see how Lalilo can benefit your students.
Together, Lalilo and myON empower educators to see every student and drive greater foundational literacy growth for every learner. Teachers or students can select these new Lalilo books for additional opportunities to strengthen foundational reading skills and become independent, confident readers.