Supporting social and emotional learning with myON
We know that many educators are prioritizing social and emotional learning (SEL) this school year—especially with the lingering impacts of social isolation due to extended periods of remote learning.
To help you incorporate SEL instructional practices in the classroom, myON now has ready-made projects for pre-K through grade 12 students. These projects are designed for educators to be able to assign relevant texts and literacy tasks to their students that support social and emotional learning topics such as emotions, critical thinking, promoting well-being, and more. In using these specially-designed reading and writing activities, teachers offer students opportunities to express complex emotions and share personal experiences. Activities can include tasks related to reading, writing, news, using the graphic organizer, and more.
As shown in the screenshot below, select projects align with the CASEL Framework for applying evidence-based SEL strategies in the classroom. The CASEL Framework fosters skills and knowledge across five areas of social and emotional competence: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making.
To access these new projects, navigate to myON Community Projects and search by keywords like “social-emotional learning”, “SEL”, or “CASEL.” Then choose from a number of available projects:

What are myON Projects?
Educators rely on myON not only for its digital library of books and news articles, but also as a way to integrate project-based learning in the classroom. myON Projects enable you to create simple or multi-element lessons on topics like social and emotional learning and more to provide a more comprehensive learning experience. Learn more about leveraging myON Projects in your school.